Big Deal?
The case for commercial investment in women's sport reveals there continues to be a chronic lack of investment in elite women's sport in the UK.

“To succeed in the world of sport you have to be at the top of your game and the lack of funding and sponsorship investment for aspiring women is another unnecessary barrier to contend with. The Big Deal report outlines the potential in this market and case for investment, so we really need those with influence inside the sports sector, along with creative brands and sponsors, to work together to change the situation and celebrate women’s sport.” Dee Caffari
“Women’s sport is littered with some extremely talented individuals and teams – it is such as exciting time to be part of it. The Big Deal report shows that audiences are clearly enjoying and fans of women’s sport, with a demand to see more. It would be fantastic if more brands invested in sponsorship for women’s sport to make sure the whole country, and world, gets to see the quality on offer.” Nicole Cook
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Prime Time
This latest report from the Commission on the Future of Women’s Sport shows that women’s sport represents a great opportunity for switched-on investors.
A team of leading figures including Baroness Grey-Thompson DBE, Minister for Sport and the Olympics Hugh Robertson and Head of England Women's Cricket Clare Connor have all leant their support to the findings that reveal strong demand from UK sports fans for greater coverage of women’s sport, but which also show that the commercial sport sector is failing to capitalise on the opportunities presented by thi

Creating a nation of active women: A framework for change
Creating a Nation of Active Women provides the framework to address the crisis detailed in It’s time. But it’s more than a strategy for change. It is a stark call-to-action for those with the power and responsibility to effect that change.

A national target has been set for two million more people to be more active by 2012, of which at least one million should be women. But with 24 million women not doing enough physical activity, that should be only the beginning.
With practical recommendations, the strategy provides a framework, compromising three key imperatives, for those who develop policy and design, and who deliver and promote sport and exercise for women and girls.
Women in Sport Audit 2007/2008
Backing a winner: unlocking the potential in women's sport
The Women in Sport Audit 2007/2008 looks at the inequalities faced by women's sport. The Audit works across the three core areas of Leadership, Investment and Profile to provide an overview of the sector and uncover where sport is missing out when it comes to women.

The audit exposes just how uneven the playing field currently is when it comes to men and women. Across leadership, investment and promotion in sport, women are on the back foot. It’s time to take these learnings and drive positive change.
In learning from where women’s sport is a success story and capitalising on the current prominence of sport, there’s huge potential.
In order to inspire real and lasting change it does, however, need to be a team effort.
Across several years the Commission on the Future of Women’s Sport will be spearheading a shift across the sector, inviting all of its colleagues to join forces in tackling the three big issues to give women more of a sporting chance.
We hope that this is the first step towards a big change in women’s sport, one that all members of the sport shall champion.