How can sports clubs attract and retain women and girls
Each sports club is unique, that’s part of the beauty of sport. Each team or club has its own history, its own traditions and characters as well as its own future aspirations.There is no one-size fits all approach for clubs trying to attract women and girls, however, there are some key elements which the WSFF believe should be effectively implemented by most clubs. Download the factsheet for more information.

Creating a nation of active women: A framework for change
Creating a Nation of Active Women provides the framework to address the crisis detailed in It’s time. But it’s more than a strategy for change. It is a stark call-to-action for those with the power and responsibility to effect that change.

A national target has been set for two million more people to be more active by 2012, of which at least one million should be women. But with 24 million women not doing enough physical activity, that should be only the beginning.
With practical recommendations, the strategy provides a framework, compromising three key imperatives, for those who develop policy and design, and who deliver and promote sport and exercise for women and girls.