University students

Active People Survey 2009-10: women's sport participation

NEW for 2011, this factsheet highlights the key findings for women's sports participation from the 2009-10 Active People Survey.

• 2.76 million women (12.8%) take part in regular sport every week, this is a non-significant increase since 2008-09

• Swimming, gym and athletics are the most participanted in sports by women 

• Women who have a household (hh) income of over £52,000 are more than three times as likely to be active as women with a hh income less than £15,600

Futsal Fever

Futsal Fever is a project which targets females aged 16+ who attend FE and HE institutes across Bedfordshire.

Project detailsProject duration: 01 October 2009 - 01 April 2010
Bedfordshire FA
Project name: 
Futsal Fever
Age group: 
16 - 24
The project both increases number and keeps the women’s game sustainable locally. It is great to see a mix of women from various backgrounds and cultures taking part in a new sport and developing their skills throughout the project. The link with the fire service has improved community awareness, enhanced the feasibility of the project and provided additional career options for those taking part.
Recruitment and promotion
A meeting was held with all Partnership Development Managers (PDM) and Further Education Sport Coordinators (FESCO) within Bedfordshire to explain the project. A request was made for them to forward details of the contact at each FE/HE institute. Promotion was done internally by the contact, once sessions were up and running numbers began to increase as word of mouth was used to recruit more players.
How was your project delivered?Football
The project is reliant on project funding, the Bedfordshire FA & Bedfordshire & Luton Fire service have funded the project.
Bedfordshire & Luton Fire Service FE/HE institutes taking part Local women’s clubs
The project took a while to get started after our initial contact with the PDM’s, some FE/HE institutes were really proactive whereas others were very slow organising dates/times for taster sessions. Have more Level 2 coaches who can deliver the coaching sessions, it is difficult to get to every session and sometimes a physical education teacher can not always be present.
So far the project is proving to be a success by enabling women to participate in futsal and play in regular fixtures. Monitoring has been via numbers turning up to sessions and the number of club links. The project does not finish until April where a full evaluation of the project will be completed.

Growing and sustaining participation

The two university teams already have an established squad who compete within the BUCS league. Many of these players do not play for local clubs, so the aim is to link these women in to local teams. Some teams have a mix of local club players and new players. Other teams have players who have never played futsal before, or haven’t played for a few years so the aim is to try and get these women actively taking part in futsal regularly. The project enables access to various BME groups and players from deprived communities.

Re-versioning sport

At times advertising futsal can be difficult to attract participants, as many are still unaware of what futsal is. Futsal has been marketed as ‘indoor 5 a-side football’.

Making sport sociable

Many students at the university have found the sport sociable and explained that they have made many new friends from the futsal team.

Targeting confidence and self-esteem issues

Many women have body confidence/self esteem issues, but with futsal being played indoors in an enclosed environment, many of the women who attend feel more comfortable than they would outside where others could watch.

Workforce development

Coaching and officiating opportunities are accessible to all those taking part in the project. New teams have to identify a captain/manager, to volunteer their time and ensure communication about fixtures or training is delivered.

Women and sport at university

In September 2009 WSFF delivered a workshop at the annual BUCS conference. This factsheet captures some of the key elements of the presentation and the discussion that took place.

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