Active People Survey 2009-10: women's sport participation
NEW for 2011, this factsheet highlights the key findings for women's sports participation from the 2009-10 Active People Survey.

• 2.76 million women (12.8%) take part in regular sport every week, this is a non-significant increase since 2008-09
• Swimming, gym and athletics are the most participanted in sports by women
• Women who have a household (hh) income of over £52,000 are more than three times as likely to be active as women with a hh income less than £15,600
Physical activity and older women
In the autumn of 2004, the Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation (WSFF) commission researchers from Bristol University to carry out a six-month qualitative research study into the physical activity perceptions of older women. The focus was on women aged 64 and over from lower socio-economic groups living independently in Cornwall, South West England. WSFF wanted to hear the views of women who did not consider themselves particularly physically active or sporty and find out their reasons for not participating.