Active People Survey 2009-10: women's sport participation
NEW for 2011, this factsheet highlights the key findings for women's sports participation from the 2009-10 Active People Survey.

• 2.76 million women (12.8%) take part in regular sport every week, this is a non-significant increase since 2008-09
• Swimming, gym and athletics are the most participanted in sports by women
• Women who have a household (hh) income of over £52,000 are more than three times as likely to be active as women with a hh income less than £15,600
Muslim women in sport
The world of sport is male dominated and women often come up against considerable challenges. In this fact sheet we address those issues faced by Muslim women and consider what their religion says about participation.

Faith and Action: Born to Succeed
The project aims to tackle the low number of Muslim women and girls in sport, in order to bring equality through the arena of sport. This is done through the provision of a suitable environment in which they could train and compete against women and girls of the same and different faiths.