Press Releases

New online toolkit to be released

Diversity Challenge to help drive inclusion in sport

A new online toolkit to drive inclusion of under-represented groups in sport is to be released in March.

The English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) working alongside the other national equality partners- Women's Sport and Fitness Foundation, StreetGames and Sporting Equals- is proud to have led on the resource creation. Called Diversity Challenge, the self-evaluation tool will support National Governing Bodies of sport (NGBs) to increase the diversity of their workforce and participants.

In partnership with Sport England and designed by Corporate Culture, the aims of the online resource are:

•  to provide a tool for self-evaluation which is influential and motivating for NGBs

•  to increase awareness and opportunities of under-represented groups in sport and the wider environment

•  to challenge negative preconceptions in sport

•  to educate, engage and inspire NGBs and their networks on the inclusion of under-represented groups within their programmes

•  to empower the sport sector to promote participation in sport as a valuable lifestyle option to a diverse range of audiences

•  to highlight national equality partners as useful hubs of expertise and support

It is hoped all NGBs will use the toolkit to support their work programmes, tied into their Whole Sport Plans and continually use it to re-assess their equality and diversity provision as they improve.

However, in application it is relevant to many other organisations too- including County Sport Partnerships, local sport providers, sporting trusts and national sport organisations.

The toolkit development began in December with a stakeholder workshop for selected NGBs and partners, to shape the better practice principles. This workshop helped to advise and inform the resource, followed by research to explore attitudes towards it as well as define the project’s approach.

Responses showed the majority of diversity better practice principles are universal to all under-represented groups, with NGBs’ identifying these groups within their target audience. But they highlighted a need for a continual system of measurement on diversity and the project needed to build on current frameworks like the Equality Standard for Sport.

Key feedback from the respondents indicated NGBs are generally good at considering diversity issues, but do not prioritise the sharing of better practices. They understood, for there to be a sustained level of participation from under-represented groups within their sport that NGBs need to champion diversity across all levels of the organisation. Crucially, some NGBs realise that a cultural shift is required in their sport to ensure diversity is pushed up everyone’s agenda.

Four themes were drawn up from the insight- Governance and leadership, corporate planning, participation and talent development. Case studies have been collated from a range of NGBs and partners to highlight the better practices in these areas.

Once released in mid March, the users will be taken through a series of questions, tailored specifically for the NGB and their current challenges. The results will show relevant information and provide resources (including case studies) to use in developing further thinking. A main emphasis is that equality and diversity requires a sustained approach to be successful.

As an ever-growing tool, the partners hope all NGBs will share their great work to others, to improve inclusive programmes, encourage collaboration and help people in the sector to have more meaningful conversations with each other.

More information will be sent to all NGBs nearer to the toolkit release date- but to ensure you are included in the correspondence or to learn more about it, please email Sarah Marl, Marketing and Communication Manager at EFDS [email protected] or call 0161 200 5446

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