Setting up an online giving page is a great way to tell everyone what you're doing in one go. And it means the donations come directly to us without you having to chase people. We've collected some fundraising hints and tips to start you off while you concentrate on raising profile for your event and prepare to get going!

Here are some great sites to use when raising money for WSFF: 

WSFF are registered with Justgiving. It's easy to set up, too. Click on the link below and follow the instructions
If you would prefer to raise money through Virgin Money Giving, it's a great resource for any fundraising and really simple
We raise money through PayPal for WSFF and can recommend doing the same - easy and very safe

Some ideas to get you started:


Organise a cake sale at work/school/university, car bootsale, pub quiz, coffee morning.

Event guidelines:

1. Decide on your fundraising event

2. Get your team of amazing volunteers together - friends, family, colleagues

        1. 3. Tell others about what you are doing and get sponsors - make use of social networking websites like       facebook and twitter.Make posters or leaflets to hand out.
  2. 4. Have an amazing time at your event!

    5. Collect your sponsorship donations - and send it to WSFF

Be safe!

Making sure your fundraising activities and events are safe and legal is imperative, as WSFF cannot accept any liability for any loss,damage or injury as a result of fundraising for us. Be careful of any personal information you make available when using social networking sites and that you are aware of an any regulations if you are serving food or alcohol or working with children.