Can you
imagine a time where physical activity is an integral part of every woman's
life? Where the majority of girls are active at school, and female athletes are
celebrated as much as men?
Our goal is
to create a nation of active women and girls who are fulfilling their potential
and living happy and healthy lives. To achieve this we focus on three key objectives:
We share expert insight and advice to help sport and fitness organisations understand what women and girls want.
We campaign to persuade policy makers that having more active women and a sport sector where women have equal opportunity in terms of media profile, investment and leadership, will benefit all of us.
We celebrate the achievements of active women, from elite athletes to grass roots level, to inspire more women to take part.
We can't do it alone.
We are a small charity with a big ambition. The logic is clear. The debate is over. Urgent priority must be given to dramatically increase commitment to get women being physically active.
We would love to hear from you if you would like to support us.
Ways to donate: