How should NGBs work with women and girls
There is no one-size fits all approach to the perfect NGB for women and girls. Each sport is different, each governing body will know its own sport better than anyone else, and each will need to do things slightly differently according to historical circumstances, current situation and future ambition. This factsheet describes the core elements which the WSFF believe should be suitable for most, if not all, NGBs.

Trophy Women: Why a balanced board is good business for sport
Trophy Women? was produced by the Commission on the Future of Women's Sport in conjunction with Opportunity Now. The report reveals the extent to which men continue to dominate the running of sport and why the sector can't afford to ignore the issue.

Drawing on lessons from the world's most successful companies it makes the business case for having more women in sport's senior management and sets out recommendations on how organisations can achieve this.
Our aim at the Commission is to work hand-in-hand with leaders in sports bodies, to highlight the problems, provide practical solutions and to increase the number of women in leadership positions.
While our role focuses on gender, we also recognise that a balanced board should represent the full diversity of the community, including BME groups and disabled people too.