In addition to a lot of committment and an innovative approach, getting more women and girls to participate in sport and physical activity may also require financial investment, so here are a few ideas as to how and where to apply for that all important funding for your project or organisation.

What do girls think of sport?
Submitted by editor on Tue, 16/03/2010 - 14:29My friend’s daughter, Maisie, is nearly 7 years old. I was playing with Maisie in the back garden at the weekend, just kicking a ball about. “Do you like sport?” I asked her. She wrinkled her nose. “Not really. Sport is for boys and I’m rubbish anyway.” Maisie’s Dad is a certified sports geek and a 5-a-side footballer. Her Mum enjoyed sport throughout her teens and twenties and is now a keen runner and gym-goer.