
NGB Toolkit - Changing the Game, for Girls

The problem of girls' participation levels will not be news to NGBs. 

Latest Active People data shows that there has been a significant decrease in the proportion of girls aged 16-19 participating in sport - and other national data sources suggest this decrease in participation starts long before age 16, whilst girls are at school.  The data also shows that the problem is more significant amongst girls, with far fewer participating in regular sport than boys.  Sport England’s new strategy places a significant emphasis on overcoming the decrease in participation amongst young people.  

This week, WSFF released some important new research that explores why so many girls disengage from being active - and what needs to happen to reverse the trend.  The research shows that schools have a unique and powerful opportunity to get more girls participating in sport and physical education, and there are numerous ways that NGBs can work with schools to achieve this. 

We have created a short report for NGBs, which outlines some key findings of the research. It also provides 10 core recommendations for ways that NGBs can help to Change the Game, for Girls. 
