Improving facilities
Questions were asked about facilities in the student questionnaires to ascertain how much that had an impact on participation - and obviously girls would like better and new facilities, but for many this would not be a barrier to participation.
Growing and sustaining participation
Working with hard to reach groups
The Girls Active project is designed to help schools consider innovative ways of encouraging, engaging and retaining girls involvement in physical activity and sport. A drop off seems to take place from year 8/9/10 which will or not be confirmed by this year's PE and School Strategy for Young People data which is reported by gender. Girls Active uses different projects/clubs/sports/interventions to prevent this drop off and build girls' self esteem. It is trying to use the power of sport to transform lives and get girls active and enjoying PE, sport and physical activity. Peer group, socialisation and media/profile factors all play a role in the divide between girls' and boys' participation, particularly at secondary school.
Workforce development
YST has just released funding to develop qualified coaches, leaders and volunteers who are all female. My team are working on a development plan which we will link to career and employment opportunities.
Promotion, marketing and raising the profile
PR and media coverage
Coverage in Sportsister (April or May 2010) and the School Sport Magazine (June 2010) YST, and some local coverage.
Social networking
Developing with Shokk.
Role models
Coaches on empowerment days are, where possible, strong female and positive role models reflecting the diversity of our partnership and challenging sterotypes (judo, tag rugby - England and Ex-England female players turned coaches and motivators).
Brading & marketing
Our Strapeline thought of by girls emcompasses what we are trying to do. 'Our Voice, Our Choice, Our Sport' T-shirts are branded Youth Sport Trust, School Sport Coordinator, County Sport Partnership and are black and shocking pink but also have the schools' individual names on them.
Confidence and self esteem issues 
The key aim of the programme is to use sport/physical activity to develop girls' confidence and self esteem which is why the initial event is an empowerment event. We want them to believe in themselves and who have life aspirations.
Health & wellbeing
Linked to the above and key - we will all be better people who live better lives when we are active and healthy and with loads of energy and drive!
For more information, contact:Tanya Irvine, Partnership Development Manager, TEAM Central School Sports Partnership, Norlington School, Norlington Road, Leyton, London E10 6JZ, London Borough of Waltham Forest, Tel: 0208 5393055 (sch)