Did you know that 60% of women prefer 'exercising' to playing sport.
From research reports to strategic recommendations, WSFF produces a variety of written material which share our insight into the barriers women face in sport and physical activity, and how to tackle them.
The report reveals the true extent of the crisis in women's physical activity, highlighting the critically low levels of women's participation in sport and exercise. It's Time explored and explained the reasons for this and the complex motivations that are specific to women. |
With practical recommendations, the strategy provides a framework, compromising three key imperatives, for those who develop policy and design, and who deliver and promote sport and exercise for women and girls. |
The Audit looks across the three core areas of Leadership, Investment and Profile to provide an overview of the sector and uncover where sport is missing out when it comes to women. |
This brochure sets out a number of ways in which sports deliverers can access WSFF's insight and expertise, including more tailored consultancy support towards their individual needs. |
Women's Sport and Fitness Foundation
3rd Floor, Victoria House, Bloomsbury Square, London, WC1B 4SE
Registered Charity No. 1060267
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